It was inevitable…
State Not Backpedaling on
Bicyclist’s DUI Charge
Woodstock, Illinois. May 11 — Even prosecutors acknowledged the case is a bit odd, but thatâ€
s not stopping them from pursuing felony drunk driving charges against an Oakwood Hills man and repeat DUI offender accused of riding his Schwinn bicycle while drunk.
Oakwood Hills police charged Charles Braun, 43, with drunken driving after he allegedly rode his bike – which happened to have a small motor attached to it – into traffic and caused a crash near Valley View Road and North Park Drive on April 21. His blood alcohol level was .272 at the time, prosecutors said…
“The bicycle had a motor that was no longer operating,†Braun told the judge during his request for a bond reduction. “The pull-cord was broken before the [crash].â€
In agreeing to lower Braunâ€
s bond from $20,000 to $10,000, Judge Joseph Condon said the state has no evidence that the motor was working…
But prosecutors said they believe the charges are valid. Even if the motor wasnâ€
t working, the charges would still stand, (Assistant State’s Attorney Ryan) Blackney said, because the bicycle was not in “junk status.â€
Because of a prior record that includes three drunken driving convictions – those from driving an actual car – if convicted on the bicycle charges, heâ€
d have to serve a mandatory minimum of three years in prison and would not be eligible for probation or supervision.
Three years in state prison for riding a bike under the influence. That should teach him…to just use a car next time.
The post Felony Bicycle DUI appeared first on Law Offices of Taylor and Taylor - DUI Central.