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When Judges Protect Their Own


I’ve posted stories over the past week about what happens to cops, prosecutors and judges when they’re arrested for drunk driving — or, more accurately, what doesn’t happen.  Following is yet another example of the prevalent DUI double standard:

Plenty of Blame to Go Around in Tarrant Judge’s DWI Case

Dallas, TX.  Jan. 29 — Tarrant County Judge Elizabeth Berry was stopped for speeding last year in Alvarado, south of Fort Worth. She refused to take a field sobriety test, a breath test or a blood test, so a municipal judge signed a search warrant authorizing a blood test against her wishes.

Last week, after a three-hour hearing, Judge Robert Dohoney ruled that the results of the blood test can’t be used against Berry because the arresting officer’s supporting affidavit was too vague.

Too vague?

It said Berry was driving 92 miles an hour, appeared confused and unusually quiet, had eight beer bottles on the floorboard of her SUV and the smell of alcohol on her breath…

No comment necessary.

(Thanks to Ken Sharp)

The post When Judges Protect Their Own appeared first on Law Offices of Taylor and Taylor - DUI Central.

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