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Dui And Drunk Monkeys


Just when I thought I’d seen it all in the "War on Drunk Driving", I read this recent article in the Washington Times….

Feds Spend Millions of Tax Dollars Getting Monkeys Drunk

Washington, DC.  Sept. 11 — There’s a whole lot of drinking going on in the name of government science, and some watchdogs think it’s the American taxpayer who is getting hammered.

Right now the National Institutes of Health is spending $3.2 million to get monkeys to drink alcohol excessively to determine what effect it has long term on their body tissue…

Alcohol and other vices have long been a favorite of NIH research grants.  Between 2008 and 2010 the NIH granted Yale University and Arizona State University a combined $154,688 to determine if drinking excess amounts of alcohol leads to losing more money while gambling.

To perform the study, researchers plied 21- to 30-year-old volunteers with enough alcohol for them to become legally intoxicated. Researchers then measured how well the twentysomethings performed gambling on video poker machines while drunk compared to when they were sober….

(A) Portland-based university also received $84,908 to breed mice that are genetically susceptible to binge drinking. Experiments included forcing the mice to drink while reducing a certain gene in hopes of getting that mouse to drink less. After the study is performed, the mice are dissected so their brains can be studied and mapped.

Hmmm… the government’s objective is to genetically modify humans so they won’t drive (or gamble) drunk? 

(Thanks to Joe.)

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